Sunday, October 25, 2009

Paul's Story

Acts 22:11-21

Reference Acts 9 and Galatians 1

Paul is continuing his defense to the people by telling more from his life story. He identified himself with the Jews he addressed. He stressed to the people that he had not come to destroy his ancestral law, but to fulfill it. Paul found it frustrating that the chosen people had rejected God’s son and was also rejecting the message Paul was bringing to the people.

Paul’s basic story recounted in Acts 9 and also in Galatians 1. The two accounts were told from different points of view. We find out that he came back to Jerusalem after about three years and still had organized opposition to his message. Our study of Acts 9 told us that Paul left Jerusalem because he was in danger. The Jews were not happy with offering privileges to gentiles without first becoming a proselyte Jew, then accepting Christ.

Verse 14 has the summary of what Paul is trying to convey to the people. Paul’s audiences were chosen as the nation of Israel to know His will, see the Just One, and hear the voice of His mouth. We have access to all of this through the Bible. In Galatians 1:12, Paul tells the Galatians that Paul’s message came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Paul then lets the people know that since his people has not accepted the message, then mercy has been offered to the gentiles. In the next passage, Paul met with intense opposition when he mentioned the gentiles.

What do we do when we are met with such opposition? It's so easy just to turn and run or run and hide. It is so easy to take it, bottle it, and swallow it until there is only numbness left. Keep a healthy outlook and continue to study the word. God has a plan and a purpose for you to stand and be counted among His children.

Have a Great Week!
