Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Defense of Paul, Part 1

Acts 22:1-21

Paul made an amazing request when he asked the guard if he could speak to the people. He stated his credentials and it was apparent to the Roman officer, he knew that Paul was not a revolutionary thug. Paul was facing his accusers and not backing down from the shouting, but answers with experience and scripture proof.
First, Paul stressed that he is Jewish and rose with respect to the Jewish beliefs. He never forgot his roots and reminds the crowds of this fact often (2 Corinthians 11:22; Philippians 3:4-5). He was from Tarsus. He is a rabbi. He had the same background and training as the audience he was addressing at this time.
Paul was trying to convince the people to accept God’s authority accept Jesus as the Messiah. They were having trouble accepting the proof that Paul and the other Christian teachers were providing.
Second, what was different was that he accepted Jesus Christ as the savior of all. God sent Jesus to all people and loves all people. The chosen status being lost to the Jews was hard for so many to swallow.
He was with them and separated from them. As a Christian, we live in the world, but God has separated us from the world for His special purpose consecrating us for the task he has assigned us.
What has God separated you away from the world? Have you accepted his authority completely or are you hanging on to some baggage from tradition or your past?

Have a Great Week!