Acts 13:42-52
Trouble in Antioch
Paul and Barnabas started by speaking in the synagogue in Antioch and all seemed to be going well. They were invited to stay in Antioch and speak again. Word spread during the next week and nearly the whole town showed up to hear what they had to say. Some of the audience that day were filled with envy and started arguing with Paul and Barnabas. Paul points out to the Jewish brethren that the word was preached first to them, but since they reject the gospel it was taken to the Gentiles.
One thing that infuriated the Jews more than anything else was they were keeping God's privileges to themselves. Christians were preaching and sharing the gospel with everyone – the uncircumcised Gentiles. With that openness, the Jews took action.
Antioch was a city of a host of nationalities all in one city because it on a road, it was a Roman city with Romans, Jews, Greeks, and a few native Phrygians, who are volatile and unpredictable people. This is quite a mix of people who can be easily sparked into emotion driven actions with devastating effects. These people were also very lax in their sexual behaviors causing a breakdown in the family and society. No one paid a dearer price than the women of these breaking families.
The Jews were preaching Godly family values appealing to these broken-hearted women, many of whom were married to men of power. The Jews prevailed on the women of affluence to turn their husbands against the Christian preachers. They used their influence on their husbands to in effect persecute the Christian preachers including Paul and Barnabas.
Paul and Barnabas had to leave at this point because it was not safe for them to stay. They shook off the dust from their feet and went to Iconium where they were well received with joy. The brethren were filled with the Holy Spirit there. A good place to recover from what they had endured.
Do we as Christians sometimes keep God's privileges to ourselves? How can we guard against this religious discrimination?
Next week, we will be going to Iconium. Things seem to be better there!
Have a Great Week!