Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Preaching of Paul

Acts 13:16-42

The Preaching of Paul

When we look at the preaching of the early church, they are almost identical in form and message. Comparing the message from Peter in Acts 2 and this sermon shows the main elements of the sermons are the same.

  1. Paul insists that the coming of Jesus was actually the fulfillment of scripture and the end of history. He recounts the history of the Jewish nation coming to an end with Christ. It is easy for humanity to see this as a recounting of sins, mistakes, and shortfalls. The Christian view is that of hope pointing toward Jesus, our savior. History always shows us going forward according to the purpose of God.

  2. Paul states the fact that when God's fulfillment came in Jesus Christ, it was not recognized. When man rejects the message, he enslaves himself to the world and cuts off from the spiritual wellness provided by acceptance of Christ.

  3. Even though the people rejected Christ in the crucifixion, God could not be defeated (and will never be defeated). We have choice. The misuse of our choice will separate us from Christ and deny entry into the kingdom.

  4. Paul goes on to use a purely Jewish argument. The promises given to David were leading people to look ahead and be completed by God's purpose. The resurrection was the proof of realization of God's purpose.

  5. The coming of Christ is Good News to one group of people. All those who accept and obey the message a Christ have the hope of heaven.

  6. What is intended as good news is in fact bad news to another group of people. Those who reject Christ and his message are given the bad news of eternal separation from Christ.

The message in this sermon is clear. The choice is ours every minute of every day.

Have a Great Week!
