Thursday, October 3, 2013

How Does God Get YOUR Attention?

God went out of His way to get the attention of His chosen people in Exodus 7-11. He made sure they knew of His power and might using the ten signs as He led them out of Egypt. He always gave them warnings and directions  to teach them when they strayed through kings and prophets in the Old Testament.

How does God get your attention?

In Exodus, it was Moses and Aaron. Some listened and some didn't listen. There were consequences for those who didn't listen and rewards for those who listened. In the New Testament and for us, He gave His Son as the perfect innocent sacrifice for our sin.

How is that working out for the children of Israel? Find out Sunday mornings at 10:30 in Putnam church of Christ just 2 blocks south of the railroad tracks at 209 Fannin Street. Does God have your attention now? Come this Sunday.