Acts 15:22-35
The “Official” Letter with Messengers
Last week, we learned that Peter and the other leaders of the early church presented their case on the question of what would “qualify” the gentiles for salvation under the mercy of Christ. The decision was made and the letter was written with efficiency and courtesy.
My experience in sales taught me face-to-face contact is much more effective and the correct message is most often fully achieved this way. Letters and fliers just don't achieve the same effects. The church leaders of the early church understood this as well. They sent Judas and Silas back with Paul and Barnabas to put a personal face-to-face quality with the official sounding letter. The kindness, caring, and concern for their brethren was conveyed through Judas and Silas.
The people of Antioch and beyond may have been suspicious of a letter carried only by Paul and Barnabas. Remember that they had a significant group of enemies in this area that would have doubted the authenticity of this letter. Here Judas and Silas were guarantors that the letter was authentic and from the leaders of the church in Jerusalem.
Build the bridge now to today and think about electronic communications. Many people of our world today communicate more with email, instant messengers, “texting” on mobile phones, and “blogging” than they do with face to face or even voice communication. How has this impacted our society? Our churches? The fellowship with our brethren?
Every one reading this knows someone that has a closer relationship with a character on a television series than they do any real person they know. Why is this? Is this healthy for spiritual growth? Remember to always check what I say with the Word of God, the Bible which is the ultimate authority.